Warm Orange Glazed Hakurei Turnip Salad
Photo: Ajna Jai / Contributor
These delicate little white Japanese turnips have become a fixture of farmer’s markets from New York to California to here in Houston. These days, there is a mountain of them at the prolific Plant-it-Forward table stand, a must stop on my weekly trip to the Urban Harvest Farmer’s Market on Saturdays. They can be eaten raw, shaved in salads, dipped into a tangy sauce, or cooked in a stir-fry with rice or noodles. Last week, I decided to slow roast them with spices and orange juice and found them to be so delicious, I had to stop myself from eating them all straight from the pan.
I did not add any more sweetness than the fresh orange juice naturally provided but if you want a true sweet glaze, add a tablespoon or two of sugar. The caramelization intensified the flavor of the turnips and gave them more depth and character. Perched inside a salad, they provided a warm burst of unusual flavor and texture. Do give them a try and be sure to chat with Constant, the Congolese farmer who grows them with great care!