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Morning Scones

a box filled with different types of food

Photo: Ajna Jai / Contributor 

There are many baking trade secrets I learnt during my time at Café Annie. One of the biggest ones was that frozen cookie dough made the best cookies. They kept their shape; the spread was just right, and they remained moist inside. Same with scone or biscuit dough. I have even tried this with cake dough, frozen it in weighed out batches and then baked off in small pans and it comes right back. Having cookie or scone dough in the freezer makes for a guaranteed dessert just minutes away, especially if you have company during the holidays. Here is a scone dough I adapted from the biscuit recipe in my book Masala. I increased the sugar and added a couple of teaspoons of dragon fruit powder to give it a sweet aroma and a pink tinge – you could just leave that out, put powdered matcha for a green tinge or use any other flavor of your choice. Slice it in half and top it with your favorite jam and a dollop of cardamom whipped cream.

Read More  |  Recipe: India1948